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Analytical Support for MGP Site Applications

Legacies of the 'gaslight era,' former manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites can have a unique chemical contamination signature. Often located along waterways in urban areas, these sites can present a significant challenge to remediation. In locations where MGP operations are suspected of being the primary source of contamination, Alpha Analytical has a wide range of  qualification and capabilities typically required to support this project application. .

In particular, Alpha Analytical has considerable expertise with assessing the major contaminants of concern at these MGP sites, such as cyanide and coal tar waste. Most MGP site characterization and remedial activities often involve complicated analytical approaches that can focus on these parameters. In addition, sampling programs may be conducted in support of ecological and human health risk assessment, or a forensic hydrocarbon application. In a forensic application,  the objective is to determine the source of contamination and  allocate responsibility among multiple parties. In most cases, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) analysis of the data is required, while in others, both risk and forensic applications are mandated.. Unlike more routine site characterization, these programs require the laboratory to place much more emphasis on sample storage, homogenization and preparation at the front end of the analytical process. This procedure is combined with method development expertise that is focused on maximizing analytical sensitivity and overcoming interferences.

We have the technical knowledge and experience required to generate the most accurate as possible results from difficult sample matrices and highly contaminated samples.

Contact Alpha Analytical today for your upcoming Sediment & Tissue analysis projects.

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What Our Clients Are Saying

“One Sunday afternoon I received a request to sample due to a release. I contacted Dave Boring to discuss our needs and timing. We reconvened 15 minutes later with the logistics and how we would get the bottle ware and get the samples back to Alpha on Sunday. I can always count on Dave to work through any issue. ”