All sample containers are provided by Alpha upon request as a courtesy. We require a minimum of a 24-hour notification, but we will try to accommodate you in an emergency. Sample containers are provided with labels, preservatives and Alpha Chain-of-Custody forms.
Deionized water can be provided upon request for equipment and field blanks. In addition, Alpha is willing to provide sample containers for field screening at a fee. Please contact us for a quotation at 1-800-624-9220.
If you would like to place an order for sample containers, please fill out the form below and click "Place Order". Once we have received your container order, we will email you within 24 hours of receipt as confirmation of your order request. The order will then be processed for delivery or pickup, as requested. If this is a standard container order previously established with Alpha, you need only complete Steps One and Two of the form below.
“From bottle ordering to courier service to final deliverables, every Alpha staff involved with my projects hits the mark. Thank you, for all your help! ”