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Project Initiation

Alpha will help to build a strong foundation for your projects.

Electronic Chain of Custody (eCOC)

Alpha’s electronic chain-of-custody system can lower your project costs by eliminating hours of paperwork. Ask your sales representative for a demonstration.

Container Orders and Pre-Printed Bottle Labels

Alpha can provide appropriate containers for the collection, storage and delivery of virtually any sample. To simplify your field work and ensure sample integrity, our EPA-certified clean containers include pre-printed labels, necessary preservatives and Alpha Chain-of-Custody forms.

Courier Service

Alpha Analytical is the only environmental laboratory in the northeast offering dedicated courier service throughout the region. Prompt pickup, meticulous sample handling and direct delivery ensures the integrity of every sample that arrives at our laboratories. Alpha's courier service is free to frequent clients. All other requests may incur a nominal fee.

Kick-off Meetings

Some large or complex projects may benefit from an initial meeting among stakeholders prior to the start of the analytical work. Alpha account executives and/or client service representatives may suggest a project kick-off meeting be held, at the client's office or at an Alpha facility, to insure that everyone involved is familiar with the project schedule and scope of work.

Project Communication Form

When project requirements fall outside of routine parameters, an electronic Project Communication Form (PCF) may be prepared to specify project-specific reporting limits, non-routine target analytes, special quality control procedures or special reporting instructions. Alpha’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) will alert staff to the existence of a PCF, which can be accessed via our LIMS at any time.

Call Tracking

Electronic summaries of all client communications are entered into Alpha’s Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) via our Call Tracker application. Electronic copies of these summaries are kept for a period of time commensurate with current legal requirements. Any operational changes are then communicated to Alpha personnel via our LIMS and through the Project Communication Form (PCF).

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Every experience from our very first has been excellent. From Alpha's sales rep to the couriers, we are very impressed with the level of professionalism we have experienced over the past seven years. We have referred/recommended Alpha to close to a dozen other firms doing similar work. ”

Project Management

Alpha’s ADEx & Data Merger tools can save you many hours in preparing data tables.