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Trace Organics Analysis

Alpha utilizes a multi-level approach to minimizing analytical interferences for trace organics analyses in challenging matrices. The first stage of interference minimization begins with our choice of extraction procedures. Alpha utilizes a micro-scale extraction procedure or a shaker table method for organics analyses. Both these approaches maximize analyte recoveries while minimizing the impact of the sample matrix. Then, depending on the analysis and the project-specific requirements, the extracts can be cleaned up with gel permeation chromatography, or column chromatography, utilizing florisil, silica gel or alumina. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can also be cleaned up with sulfuric acid to remove organics and with copper to minimize sulfur content in the extract. To minimize the impact of excess moisture content in sediments, Alpha also employs a method that determines total solids content prior to extraction and adjusts the raw extraction weights, if possible.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“One of my projects required a last minute sampling event, and the Alpha Team (Nancy, Bobby, and Mike) coordinated the bottle order and sample pickup with only a few hours notice. Thank you for your consistent dedication to customer service! ”