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Vapor Intrusion

Air Testing Fundamentals: What's in your Air Crate?

Will Elcoate by Will Elcoate

Air Testing Fundamentals: What’s in Your Air Crate?


Below is a list of the basic information we need in order to ship you media for your sampling event:

Location: State where they are being collected

Target Analyte list: State, program or your specific list of analytes

Matrix: Ambient or indoor air, soil, gas, or sub-slab sample matrix ;

Sample time collection: Grab samples or time weight averaged, sample collection time (1 hour, 8 hours or 24 hours)

When:  Three (3) business days notice is appreciated. Five (5) business days for SIM. We do our best to meet all requests.

Requested TAT: Standard is 5 business days

Using the media

It greatly helps to become familiar with the canisters and flow controllers used for VOC collection. (Methods TO-15, MassDEP APH, EPA Method 3C, EPA Method TO 12).

In less than eight minutes, Technical Director of the Air Testing Lab in Mansfield, MA, Andy Rezendes, walks through what you will receive when you order Media for VOC sampling, including chain of custody and sampling instructions for flow controllers and canisters.


As always, contact me, Will Elcoate, with your questions at 800-624-9220 or email .

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